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Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hello ladies and gentleman. Today I am going to reflect on the ways to achieve sainthood. This is a confusing topic in the church and I wanted to find out more.
1. A bishop is placed in charge of doing an investigation into the person’s life that is on the rode to sainthood. If the bishop approves this candidate and says he is worthy enough to continue then we go to the next step. The title “Servant of God” is given.
2. Second, the candidate must have heroic virtues that took place during his lifetime. Then his application is presented to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. After, the term “Venerable” is given.
3.  Third, a miracle must be performed through the candidate’s intercession. If approved, the term “Blessed” is given to the candidate.
4. The candidate is then declared a saint after a second miracle and the Pope’s approval.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Papal Infallibility

        Hello ladies and gentleman. Today I am going to reflect on the commonly misunderstood catholic teaching of papal infallibility.  Many people think that this means we believe that the pope is incapable of all sin. Infallibility is not the absence of sin. Also, this does not only belong to the pope. This belongs to the body of bishops as a whole when in doctrinal unity with the pope, they all teach the same doctrine as true. Jesus told his apostles, “He who hears you hears me.” We know that the doctrines passed down are true. Papal infallibility deals on subjects of faith and morals. This does not cover every subject related to the Church.  An infallible announcement is usually made when people come together and question a doctrine of the Church. Many people argue this against the Church using examples such as Peter and popes who had questionable morals.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Hello ladies and gentleman. Today I am going to reflect on the sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is the first of our seven sacraments and is often called the “ door to the Church”.  All of the other sacraments depend on the individual to be baptized. The importance of baptism is sometimes overlooked by sacraments we receive later in life. After getting baptized we become members of the Church and we receive the opportunity to receive the six other sacraments. Baptism has three major effects on our life.
1.     Removal of Original Sin
2.     Becoming a part of the Church
3.     Enabling participation in other sacraments

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sunday Gospel

Hello ladies and gentleman, I am going to reflect on the gospel read at church today. During this gospel, Jesus tells us we all need to participate fully in our religious life. Jesus tells his followers they need to “feed” and “tend” to his flock. As teenagers we usually just hear these words and keep on moving through the rest of the day. We need to listen to the words and act on them. People of all ages can help the Church. Everyone needs to take part in his or her religion and embrace it completely. I believe we are all supposed to spread the news of Christ and reflect on the true meanings of Jesus’ teachings.